Talking About Family Attorney Services

Talking About Family Attorney Services

Seek A Temporary Reduction In The Amount Of Child Support That You Are Required To Pay

Norman Kelly

You have consistently made your child support payments on time, but are temporarily suffering from a financial hardship and finding that it is becoming impossible to stretch your money from payday to payday. Avoid the possibility of being held in contempt of court by potentially missing a child support payment by seeking a temporary reduction for the time being.

Fill Out Paperwork Necessary For A Modification

It isn't uncommon to seek a modification in a child support order, so don't feel as if you are a failure or are letting your children and ex-spouse down. It will likely be appreciated if you are honest about your current financial standing. After revealing that you cannot pay the full amount of support and receiving a reduction, your payments can increase once you have regained financial control.

Contact the child support division in your hometown and inquire about applying for a temporary reprieve. You may be advised to pick up a form at the courthouse. This form will be similar to the one you filled out when your child support case was initiated. Be prepared to reveal the amount of money that you are currently earning and the amount of living expenses that you are responsible for.

Seek Counsel Through A Family Law Practice

Seeking legal counsel through an attorney's office will assist with protecting your rights. If you are required to attend a court hearing, a lawyer will do all of the talking and will clearly explain your financial issues. This will prove to a family court judge that you have good intentions on paying your support but are just going through a rough patch for the time being.

A judge will decide upon a child support amount that will be fair, and that won't exhaust your cash supply entirely so that you are able to pay your household bills each month. After receiving a reduction, your case will be reviewed in the future to determine if you are still incurring the same financial setbacks.

Look for a second job or ask for an increase in hours at your place of employment. Keep your child support attorney informed about any changes in your financial status and have the same attorney represent you at a subsequent family court hearing. The most important things for you to focus on is to pay your revised child support order in a timely manner and to continue to spend quality time with children.


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Talking About Family Attorney Services

Hi there, my name is Jeremy. Welcome to my website about family attorney services. When I was in a custody battle for my son, I had to hire a high quality family attorney in my area. I was an emotional mess throughout the custody battle due to the way the courts handled the case. My attorney helped me work through the case requirements to net a positive outcome for my situation. I will use this site to discuss the immense benefits of hiring legal representation for family court cases. I hope my site will help you navigate this tough process. Thanks for visiting.
